Thursday, January 30, 2014

Walk Away the Pounds 5-Day Fit Walk - High Calorie Burn 2-mile

I did not sleep well last night. When I woke up this morning, I did not want to workout, but I did it so I could have a post for the blog. That's two points for the blog now. I thought about doing one of the 1 mile walks that I did already, but that wouldn't be a very good post, so I went with the 2 mile walk named High Calorie Burn 2-mile.

The cast was the same as the first 1 mile walk that I did two days ago. You can read about it on my post Walk Away the Pounds 5-Day Fit Walk - Get Up and Get Started. All of the women are wearing pink tops, and the token man is wearing a blue top. You can hit play on this one and then go get your water. By the time you get back, the opener and Leslie's speech should be over. 

The workout starts off by marching in place. You then go through the other three basic steps which are side steps, kicks and knee lifts. After you've gone through all of these, she starts to incorporate your arms. She'll have you raise them over your head, stretch them out in front of you or reach out to your sides. Once your arms and legs are warmed up, the pace increases. There are actually two increases in this workout. She uses the weighted balls in this routine, but I don't have them, so I didn't use them, nor did I use an alternate product.

This routine introduced a few things that the previous two did not have. While using the weights, she has you do lateral raises with your arms. She also introduced other new moves with your legs including walking forward for two counts and then backwards for two counts, doing knee lifts while moving forward for four counts and then backwards for four counts, and doing what she called double side steps. 

Once again, she talked during the entire routine. She said some motivational things and talked about how to modify the workout if you weren't able to keep up. She also talked about how to make it more difficult by bending your knees a bit during the side steps and kick backs. She also checked in with various walkers during the routine. She stayed up front, but turned her head to speak to some of the people about how they were enjoying the workout or if they could feel the burn. 

Once again, no one in this workout looked like they were even out of breath, but I was huffing and puffing like crazy. I found it hard to take my water breaks because she had shorter spots of just marching in place. I was able to keep up with the routine though and even did her suggested bent knee stuff to sink down into the moves and engage more muscle. A few hours later while I was at work, I could actually feel the tingling in my muscles that usually only happens after a workout with some intensity. I also hit 4 minutes of vigorous activity on my BodyMedia device, which surprised me, but made me excited. I'm not sure which part of the routine got me to vigorous, but I think it was the walking forward and back and also the traveling knee lifts.

After you get to about the 1-3/4 mile mark, the music starts to slow down and you slow down your pace as well. It will slow down once more just before the cool down. I did find it annoying that these slow downs happened while we were doing things like kicks or knee lifts. It would have been better had it happened during the marching in place sections, but it wasn't so jarring that I couldn't deal. The cool down is very brief just like the previous two routines on the DVD. It mainly consists of stretching your arms up over your head and feeling the stretch. You also turn to the side and get into a sort of lunge position to stretch out your legs. Once the stretching is done, she offers a bit of a motivational speech. I was running late, so I didn't really listen to it.This routine does have the mile markers, which I appreciate. 

Overall, this was a good workout, but I did find one thing fairly odd. During the workout, she talks about modifying the workout if you aren't able to do the full range of motion. She say to watch a specific person if you want to see how to modify the routine, but the person we're supposed to watch, is totally digging into the workout. She's got a lot of spunk in her step and her arms are going like crazy. The only thing she modifies how how far her arms go up or out when doing the arm moves. Watching her wouldn't give me the warm fuzzies about my own workout if I really did need to modify the routine. Most of the people on this DVD have a permanent smile on their face. I just really want one of them to look like they feel as miserable as I do. I like the workout, but it bums me out that I'm huffing and puffing, but they don't even look like they are breaking a sweat. 

My BodyMedia charts are below. The big blue blob on the left with the tall spike in the middle, is the workout. The rest is just me walking around at work. 

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