Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk at Home - 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk A "Power Walk" at Home

I was still sore when I woke up this morning so I did another walking workout. I put in a 3 mile workout and realized that I had done it before, so then I put this one in. Some of the walkers used the handweights, but I didn't have them, so I didn't use them. The DVD gives you the option to select which miles you want to do or to play them as a complete workout. I selected to play them as a complete workout.

This is one of the older ones, and it was pretty comforting for me to see at least one face that I recognized from previous walks. Mary Kaye was in this one. There were also four or five other people in it. One of the guys had lost 70 pounds with walking workouts and two of the women had each lost 100 pounds. I liked seeing those stats coming across the screen. 

Okay, so the workout starts off with a warm up where you go through the four basic steps which are marching in place, knee lifts, side steps and front kicks. Once you're all warmed up, you get to do some other things like kick backs, double knee lifts, double side steps and walking forward and backwards. At some point, she has you take a few steps to the left and then tap your foot, then you move to the right and tap your foot. You also include your arms into the mix by raising them over your head, stretching them out in front of you or reaching out to the side. After about a half mile, she picks up the weights. Just before the mile marker, she puts them down again. 

At the mile marker Mary Kaye takes over. OMG! Mary Kaye is brtual! Her style was a lot different than Leslie, but I kinda liked it. She led the group for the whole second mile. She did not use the weights. She included tap outs, kick backs and grapevines. Out of my 11 minutes of vigorous activity in this workout, I think 9 were during Mary Kaye's mile. She kept the arms going for a good portion of the mile. Leslie chatted a bit during Mary Kaye's mile. She also walked around and checked in with the various walkers. 

Once the mile is over, Leslie takes over again. She brings the weights back and you use those for a good portion of the final mile. There's not a lot of legwork going on in the final mile. Most of it is walking in place while doing stuff with your arms. There are a few points where all you do is hold your hands together up about face level while you do knee lifts. It seems so simple, but you really do feel it in your abs! The music slows down and you move into a quick cool down. 

Overall, I liked the workout. I want to get the weights and try it with them. I really do like these workouts, but buying the walk boosters could really add up. I do like the variety though and the fact that you really don't need to use them. You can keep the workouts as straight up cardio. I was huffing and puffing during the workout, but once again, all of the people in the DVD were all happy smiles! I just want someone to look as miserable as I feel! Their hair hardly even moves!

Below are my BodyMedia device screens shots for the day. The big tall wide blob on the left is the workout. I got to sit at my desk a little more today than I did yesterday! I'm not sure what's up with Nexercise, but I didn't see the medals again today. 

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