Monday, March 24, 2014

Leslie Sansone Deluxe Walk Weight Loss Walk 4 Mile

I got this DVD from Netflix. It contains two workouts. I tried to find a link to this on Amazon, but I wasn't able to find it so I'm not sure if you can buy this DVD anywhere at this point, but you can at least watch it through Netflix disk subscription. The workout that I did this morning was tagged as a 4 mile workout. The DVD gives the option to play the entire workout or just specific segments. I did the the workout as a whole. This DVD is between the 80s and the 90s. We still have tight, brightly colored spandex, but we don't have big hair.  

The DVD starts off a bit weird and gave me a flashback to doing the Richard Simmons workout from a few weeks back. It started off with Leslie walking into a living room type setting and waking up her husband on the couch. Once she gets him off the couch, she starts the workout. It starts with a five minute warm up with just Leslie. The first few minutes she goes over the four basic steps pretty quickly. The basic steps are walking, front kicks, side steps and knee lifts. She then talks about some new moves that she's going to go over. I can't remember them all, but I do remember out out in in. You step to the left with your left foot. Then you step to the right with your right foot. Then you step back in with your left foot and then back in with your right foot. There was also the box step. You take your right foot and cross it over your left foot and then step back with your left foot and then your right. You repeat this and apparently form a box. There was also the golf putter thing which is a little difficult to explain, but it involves picking up your left foot and then with a straight leg, you move it towards the right side of the room like it was a golf putter. There were a few others that I just can't remember.

The first segment is a mile. It seemed a bit slow as far as the pace goes, but it got my heart up for sure. At the end of the segment, the screen changes and you see that you're now about to start segment too. Leslie hears a knock at the door which she answers. her friends come into the room and workout with her. One of them is a guy who looks like he is staring at her butt the whole time, but I really think he's looking at her feet. He's right behind her too which is annoying since she obscures him during the workout, which is a bit annoying. I don't like not being able to see the walkers if they are there. The second segment is similar to the first, but it's 1.5 miles and the pace is supposedly a bit faster. The third segment is another 1.5 miles which another fast pace. The cool down was short, but the stretch was pretty thorough. The stretch involved squats oh fun! It also included what she called lunges, but they weren't your typical lunge. They were more of the 80s sideways lunge where you get into a squat position and then shift your wait from one side to the other.  

This workout was pretty intense, and I was pretty beat after it was over. I only got 16 minutes of vigorous activity, but it felt like more. Maybe it was the specific moves that we did, I'm not sure.  She strung the move together without a lot of walking in the middle. She also mixed things up a lot more than I'm used to. I'm used to her workouts having the main four steps with a few add ons, but this one did a lot more than just the basics. THere were the four basics, and the good old kick backs and double side steps. However, there was a lot more variety, instead of just walking up forward and back forward, she would walk forward and then do knee lifts or front kicks before walking back two steps and doing the knee lifts or front kicks again. Tap outs and heel taps forward were also in the mix. This one had mambos too, but they were different than the mambos that I've done in newer workouts. These were harder for me because you stepped forward, back, forward and then back to center, then you switched legs and did forward, back, forward, back to center. I kept messing it up. I messed up a lot in this workout. I'm glad I did it, and it was an effective workout, but it was a bit too much like regular aerobics for me.The cueing wasn't very good either. I'm used to her warning us before we're going to do something, but she'd be marching along and then be like okay side steps now. She would also say that we would do one more set, but then when we got to the end of that set, she'd have us do one more. I don't like it when they play mind games with me!

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots. I thought I would have had more vigorous activity, but I still got my checkmark, so I'm good with the 16 minutes. The big wide blue blob on the left is the workout. the rest is me walking around at work. I didn't get much walking done today. It was nice to sit at my desk and get something done, but I'm not going to have a nice burn today! I've gotten used to my 4,000 calorie days! Not going to happen today. Tomorrow, I will be doing the 2 mile walk on the same DVD and then sending it back to Netflix. I think I'll only get one more DVD before my trial is over. 

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