Friday, March 7, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk At Home The Big Burn 2 miles of Intervals

 I picked this workout because I wanted a nice simple 2 mile workout. Apparently, I missed the memo about the jogging intervals. This was not a nice simple low key Friday workout! 

The workout begins with the four basic steps which are marching in place, side steps, knee lifts and front kicks. Once you go through a fiveish minute warm up, you start doing other things like moving your arms around. This workout also included kick backs, tap outs, double knee lifts, double side steps, doing sidesteps while moving forward four counts and backwards four counts, walking forward two counts and backwards two counts, jogging forward four counts and backwards four counts, and knee lifts and front kicks with a bounce in the middle. 

There were three jogging intervals. Each one lasted about 90 seconds to two minutes. You start off by walking forward and then backwards quickly. You then transition into jogging. I didn't jog nearly as quickly as they did, but I still picked up the pace and picked up my feet. During these intervals, Jo gets picked to do the modified workout. She did not jog or do the bounces between the knee lifts and the front kicks.

This DVD had several of the "old crew walkers" including Mary Kaye, Jo and Linda. It also included Steve who I've seen before and Brittany who I have not seen before. Overall, I enjoyed the workout, but there were some annoying aspects of this one. Steve is just never in sync with the rest of the walkers. Maybe it's because he's like three feet taller than them or maybe it's something else. I just know that he constantly draws my attention because I'm not in sync with him so I feel like I'm off, but then I realize he's not in sync with anyone. I find it really annoying that whenever a guy is in a workout, she seems to constantly be talking to them. The most annoying thing though was about the set. In the back of the studio there were two windows where you could see cars driving by. The movement in the background was annoying.  

This workout did not have mile markers and I don't recall hearing her announce the halfway point. She did comment when we had made it to the two mile point. After that, she slowed down the pace and brought us into a cool down. She did talk about the importance of getting your heart rate down and suggested to continue walking if your were still breathing heavy. The cool down was pretty standard and included some deep breathing as you stretched you arms up over your head. It also included a leg stretch. 

Below are my BodyMedia and Nexercise screen shots. The big blue blob on the left is my workout. The rest of the blue blips are me walking around at work. I was looking for a low key workout to end my week, but I was pretty happy to get 19 minutes of vigorous activity. 



  1. Hi :)
    I have a question that I have been wondering about. When we do Leslie's workouts and we use an app, do we also add in the calories burned for the aerobics? I use S Health and it only tracks my steps, but we are able to add in other exercises. Thanks! I wish you all the best on your weight lost journey :) I've lost 13 lbs since January 1st and I have 30 more to go.

    1. I would think that you should add in the time that you spent doing the workout. I've never used S Health before though, but doing the DVDs burn a lot more calories than just walking to the mailbox. If you did something like Tae Bo, you would get a lot of steps doing the workout, but you would still count the workout as additional exercise, so I think the same thing would apply to Leslie's stuff. You can see that her workouts burn about twice as many calories per minute as I do when I'm just walking around at work.

      Congrats on your 13 pounds! I finally hit 12 the other day. I then got a bit derailed since yesterday was my birthday. My husband surprised me with cake for my birthday, and my in-laws invited us over for dinner where there was more cake! I felt like garbage after eating all of that sugar! I didn't workout yesterday since I wanted to puke most of the day. Sugar is evil!
