Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles

I didn't have any new DVDs from the library, and I haven't gotten my next one from Netflix yet, so I did Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles. 

The workout starts off with the four basic steps which are marching in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. Once you're all warmed up, you bring your arms into the mix and more steps are added. Some additional moves in this workout are kick backs, side steps while moving forward four counts and back four counts, walking forward for two counts and back two counts, tap outs, tap outs with a lunge type maneuver, step three counts and then tap your foot, doing three steps to the side and tapping your foot before moving the other directions and mambos. I love mambos! This was the second workout that I had done with these. They are hard to explain. You step forward with your left foot, then do a step in place on your right, then step back with your left and step in place with your right. You just keep repeating that for a bit. 

This walk had no walk boosters in it, but it didn't need them because it was fast. There was little marching in place in between moves. I got 20 minutes of vigorous activity, which is the most I've had with a 3 mile. It's only two minutes less than the 4 mile workout from yesterday. 

The workout did have some flaws though. There were a few times when her cueing was a bit off. She wouldn't give you a warning before you were going to do something. There were at least two times where she just stop doing something and went back to a walk without actually saying anything. At one point in the middle mile, Mary Kaye leads, but you can't hear anything she said. They also didn't keep the camera on her for the whole time, so it was hard to follow until Leslie took over. The video looked really good on my laptop, but once I told YouTube to zap it to my TV, it didn't look so good anymore. I've got a 47" HDTV. Even with the flaws, it was nice to see some of the faces that I was familiar with such as Mary Kaye and Carol. I didn't know that Carol had lost 65 pounds!

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots. I hit play before I had my Nexercise cued up and it wouldn't load fast enough so I decided to ditch Nexercise today and just do BodyMedia. The big blue blob on the left is the workout. The rest is me walking around at work. I would have gotten to 600 calories for the workout had I managed to get it set up at the start of the workout. I was pretty bummed about that once I saw how close I was to 600 calories! 

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