Monday, April 28, 2014

Gold's Gym 2lb Weighted Balls and Exercise Chart

2 pound Weighted Balls

I got these balls to use with the Leslie Sansone walking workouts. I found these at Wal-Mart for about $10.00. I thought I had taken the picture of the English side of the box, but apparently, I got the Spanish side of the box.  They are soft and feel like they have some sand in them. It doesn't move around while you workout though. The box contained a sheet with instructions on cleaning and how to safely workout. On the other side of the sheet was an exercise chart. I have been wanting to do the exercises on the chart ever since I got the weighted balls, but something has always come up and it didn't happen. That is until today!  

Chest Press

You lay on your back with your knees bent. You hold one ball in each and and just press up to the ceiling. You do that slowly and then lower it back down slowly. The sheet says to do that for 8 - 12 reps. I did 12 reps and it felt like I hadn't done anything. Two pound weights are just not enough for chest presses and I have wimpy chest muscles.

Overhead Tricep Press

You stand up with your knees bent slightly. Then you raise your hands up to the ceiling. You bend at the elbow and the weights go behind you. They suggest doing a shallow squat while doing this. It says to do 8 - 12 reps. I did 12 reps. This was not enough weight for this move. After doing 12 reps, it felt like I hadn't done anything. 

Bicep Curls

You stand with your knees slightly bent and your hands down by your sides. You curl the weights up to your shoulders. It says to to do 8 - 12 reps. I did 12 reps and felt like I hadn't done anything. I even squeezed my biceps to try to get more muscle activity going on. 

Delt Lunge

You start off in a lunge position with your hands stretched out in front of you. You slowly move into a standing position, but you're only standing on one leg because the other leg is now in a knee raise position. While you're doing this, you lower your hands to your sides. You then go back to a lunge position with your hands stretched in front of you. My balance is horrible and I wasn't able to do these very well. They were the most strenuous part of this workout. I didn't feel anything in my delts and I have the weakest shoulders of anyone on the planet. I did not enjoy this move because of the balance. With that said, I still don't think the 8-12 reps is enough to feel anything even in my legs.

Squat Push

You start off in a standing position with your knees slightly bent and your hands up up by your shoulders. You then squat down as you push your hands out straight. They say to do this 8 - 12 times. I'm not a fan of squats, but I did all 12. I didn't really feel it all that much. I didn't feel lit in my shoulders either. 

Single Leg Deadlift

You start out with your hands down in front of you and you balance on one leg. You then bend forward while stretching one leg back behind you. This was another thing that required a level of balance that I just didn't have. I was falling all over the place. It said to do 8 - 12 reps. I actually had to take a break at about rep six and then again around rep 10. My plant leg was burning!

Delt Crunch

For this one, you lay on your back with your knees bent. Your hands are at your sides holding the weight balls. You crunch up as you lift your hands up off the floor. I felt this in my abs, but I did not feel it in my shoulders. I did 12 reps. It suggested 8 - 12. 


You lay on your back with your knees bent, but for this one, your hands are holding the balls on your chest. You then crunch for 8 - 12 reps. I felt this is my abs, but the added weight didn't seem to make it any more difficult than normal crunches without the weight. I did all 12 reps.

Pullover Crunch

You lay on your back with your knees bent. Your arms are stretched back over your head. As you crunch, you bring your arms in an arc as you bring your hands to your knees. I felt this in my abs, but not in my shoulders, chest or arms. It says to do 8 - 12 reps. I did all 12.

Overall Comments

I didn't bother posting my BodyMedia screen shots because there was minimal calorie burn and hardly any steps. I did all of the above moves in 15 minutes. The sheet didn't suggest doing multiple sets of these. I thought about doing another set, but I didn't come anywhere close to failure on any of these except the Single Leg Deadlift. That wasn't really failure, it was just pain that I didn't want to deal with so I walked it out. I knew doing another set of the entire workout wasn't going to get me what I was looking for. I like the weighted balls as a walk booster for the Leslie Sansone workouts, but they are not nearly enough weight to be effective as part of a strength training workout in this format. That's my personal opinion though. I'm not one of those women who has the patience to sit there and do 100 bicep curls with a 2 pound dumbbell. Just use a weight that will get you to failure in about 12 reps and you'll get done waaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster and end up with better results. If I don't hurt the day after a strength training workout, I feel like I did something wrong. I'm pretty sure that I won't hurt after this. If you do Leslie Sansone walking workouts, I would suggest buying these weighted balls. I'm going to see if I can find other purposes for them as well. 


  1. Works Cited - Paul, B. “Test RX Review: Benefits, Side Effects & Where To Buy Guide!” Testosteroneofficial.Com Ie. Testosterone Official, Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.

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  3. Golds Gym's 2lb Weighted Balls are impressive workout companions! Their versatility and ergonomic design make them perfect for enhancing various exercises. Best Trevel Apps The added resistance brings intensity to workouts, helping users achieve their fitness objectives effectively.
