Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 3 Review

What I did and why

I did Day 3 of the Les Mills Combat workout routine. This was a 45 minute martial arts workout. It was called Power Kata. I'm doing the 60 day Warrior plan. You can read about my first day and my second day if you haven't been following along. I thought that I was bout in agony this morning, but I wasn't. I could feel it in my shoulders and my legs, but it wasn't painful. I wasn't so fast going up the stairs at break, but that was more of a weakness issue than a pain issue. I don't seem to get that major pain now. You know the pain where you need to use the handicap bar to use the toilet. I don't get that these days. I must be getting stronger, but it makes me feel like I didn't push hard enough. 

Power Kata

It started out with a 3 minute warm up. I'm really getting addicted to these count down timers. I really don't like count down timers in Leslie Sansone's stuff, but in this, it really makes a difference for me. The warm up started out pretty slow with some guard stance stuff. We quickly moved into jab and cross. We moved a bit slow to start. Then we did some hooks. This moved into uppercuts. Then we did some jab shuffles. You shuffle to the left and jab twice and then shuffle to the right and jab twice. Back to the jab and cross. Then we did some hooks. More jab shuffle. More upper cuts. 

Once that segment was done, stretched out our legs and started with some knee strikes. Then we did some front kicks and then side kicks. Then we pretended like we were going to do roundhouse kicks, but we didn't do the kick. We just picked our knees up. Then we did the kicks. I've done that before in Tae Bo. It helps you learn form. Then we did some side kicks and went back into the guard stance for a few blocks. Then we quickly moved into some shuffling with knee strikes. Round house kicks here we come! There wsa another guard thing with some punching as we did some squats. There are so many squats in this workout! More shuffling with knee strikes. More blocking. Oh Karate punching was fun.

The next section started off with doing the punching bag even though we didn't have a punching bag. Then we were facing forward and doing jabs alternating our arms. Then we moved into hooks with a step over after the second hook. We added an upper cut while steeping over. Then we added a bob. This started to mess with my brain once we put it all together. I can only handle a few moves at a time. I do them until someone tells me to stop, but once you put a bunch of stuff together, I get lost because I'm so much slower than they are so I'm not doing the moves they are and I forget the order! I'm such an idiot. Then we did it all on the other side.

The next section was all about the legs. We did roundhouse kicks with a lunge back with the opposite leg. So it was roundhouse kick with the right and a lunge back with the left! Woohoo! Then we did a knee, lunge, side kick lunge. Totally loved this segment. NOT! Oh then we went to the Ginga. If you didn't do the basics DVD, now you might be regretting it! I was a big confused with the Ginga at first even though I did the Basic DVD. I can't really explain it. We went back to the side kick with the lunges. They jumped and did the side kicks too. I stayed on the ground! We switched to the other side and did it all again!

The next section started with descending elbows. Then we got all street and did some downward punches. I felt like I was in a hip hop video. Then the double knee strikes started and felt like they never ended! They jumped for part of these, but I stayed on the ground. This was a 6ish minute segment and it was crazy with the double knee strikes! The descending elbow stuff broke it up a little bit, but I was dying by the time this thing was over. We switched sides and did the same thing again. We switched sides again and were back on the first side. We then switched again. So each side got two turns with the same basic moves.

Things slowed down in the next section. We did some blocking in a horse stance. The slow didn't last long though. We started doing front kicks with the blocking. That turned into back kicks. Then we did blocking with front kicks again. More back kicks. Front and back kicks and the blocking. Woot woot. Combinations of more than two moves so you know I was confused! We switched sides and did it all over again!

The next section started with a shoulder stretch. We then went all crazy with the punches. We started with cross jab cross. We started slow and then sped it up. We added a double upper cut. Then we did double front hooks. I liked this one because it reminded me of some Billy Blanks stuff. Back to the cross jab cross. Then we switched sides and did it all again. With two minutes to go they stopped and did double jabs which turned into singles as fast as we could go. This lasted about a minute and then we rested for about a minute. I really like doing these. Another flashback to TaeBo. He talked about the gloves for about 30 seconds.

Then it was time for the stretch! We sat down on the floor and laid down on our backs. He made a stupid joke and we stretched out our legs. These were stretches that I hadn't done before. My body wasn't built for these stretches. Then we got up on our knee and stretched our legs some. We switched knees and stretched the legs more while doing a tricep stretch. Then we stood up, put our feet in a position that I can't do and we did another stretch. Then we did a kata pose and stretched some more. Then we were done! I get a rest day tomorrow!!!!!!!

My Thoughts on the Workout

This was madness! It was good madness, but madness none the less. There was so much lunging and squatting and knee striking! There was a lot more lower body in this one than the first one and the first one had a bunch already. I hope that it doesn't take me too long to get the hang of some of these moves because I really was behind for the majority of the workout. I need to be able to stay at their speed so I don't get so confused. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

I only have one screen shot for today because my Bluetooth connection died during the workout so the workout tab didn't work. That really bums me out when that happens. I love charts and graphs! I can motivate to do a workout because I'll have a chart or a graph. I still have the website info, but I really like to see how many calories and minutes of activity I get for each workout. Oh well, I'll survive! I'm looking forward to being able to do the jump kicks and stuff like that. I'm sure that will fill in some of the dips that I have in the workout arc. It is a rather interesting little chart here. 

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