Sunday, July 27, 2014

Shakeology Day 1

What I had and why

I started taking Shakeology today. I started taking this for a number of reasons. I've been searching for a protein drink that has more vitamins and other nutrients than the shakes I've been taking. I also wanted to get away from a lot of the chemicals that were in other drinks. I see people posting about Shakeology all the time on Facebook. There are people who absolutely love it and those that think it's not something for them. I was hesitant due to the price, but I was already taking a protein power that was costing me $20 per month. The only vitamins that I have ever found that didn't make me want to throw up cost $40. So there's $60 right there. So that left the gap a little smaller. I've seen so many people posting about how they have so much more energy while they take it and they feel out of whack if they don't have it. After reading everything about it, I decided to take the plunge. I did it the sensible way though. I bought a challenge pack. For only $10 more than I would have paid for just the Shakeology, I got PiYo as well. So I have a bag of protein power for the month as well as my vitamins for the month and I got a workout program that I can use as many times as I want to. Plus the stuff has a 30 day money back guarantee if I decide that I don't like it.

Strawberry Shakeology

I thought I was getting chocolate, but I must have messed something up in the ordering process. Strawberry doesn't look pink when dry. I thought that was pretty odd. Okay, so strawberry was the one flavor that I never wanted to try. I love strawberries, but I don't like strawberry flavored stuff. It never tastes like strawberries. I was pretty bummed to open the box and see strawberry. I sucked it up though and made me a nice glass of Strawberry Shakeology

I mixed it in a shaker cup with some almond coconut milk. It looks like the shaker cup is empty in this shot, but it's not! There's 8 ounces in that cup. The camera angle just makes it look really weird. I think it's pretty neat though.

The Verdict

It wasn't as thick as I thought it would be. I'm not sure if I just didn't shake it long enough. I'll experiment with more shaking later to see if it gets any thicker. I just used almond coconut milk this time because that's how it's convenient at work. The package came with a 30 day calendar that listed recipes that I could do each day of the month, but by adding the extra ingredients, I would be adding extra costs and extra time. The flavor wasn't horrible. It didn't really taste like strawberries to me, but it did smell like strawberry flavored stuff. It also turned pink when I mixed it up! It looks a little brown in the pic, but it was pink. I had this as my mid morning snack.We had eggs, sausage and toast for breakfast. I drank this a couple hours later. 

My main reason for trying it on a Sunday was to make sure it didn't give me belly pain. It did not give me belly pain! Woot Woot! I was really interested in figuring out if this thing would help me stay full. It's hard to intentionally test that though. As soon as you start thinking about it, you get hungry. About 30 minutes after I drank it, my husband handed me a flour tortilla that he had covered in butter and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I didn't really know what he was handing me, but figured it was safe since he knows that I'm trying to keep sugar out of my life. I ate 1/4 of it and then asked him how much sugar it had on it. He told me that it was two teaspoons. I nearly died! I told him that it was too much sugar for me and I didn't finish it. I felt really bad about that, but I stood up for myself. In the past whenever people would make me sugar stuff or buy me sugary stuff, I would eat it to be nice, but I'm not doing that anymore! If it's too much sugar, I'm not going to do it! Unless of course, it's on one of my weak days and I cave, but even then, it will be on my terms. I control what goes into my mouth. 

Okay, so after the piece of tortilla, I got hungry, but that's because sugar is the fastest way to make me hungry. It doesn't really matter what type of sugar it is. It doesn't even have to be sugar. Artificial sweeteners have the same impact on me. I didn't eat anything though, and I got past the hunger. That was around 10:30ish. We didn't eat lunch until 1:45ish. It could have been a little after that. I wasn't really that hungry for lunch. I ate it because I knew I needed to, so maybe, the Shakeology really did fill me up! It will be interesting to see how tomorrow goes. 

Want to learn more about Shakeology?

If you'd like to learn more about Shakeology, check out his video about it

My Stats for Day 1 of Shakeology

Weight: 280
Pants: 44s are too loose for comfort and 42s are a bit too tight for comfort

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