Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review of Leslie Sansone's Walk Aerobics 3 Mile Super Fat Burner

What I did and why

Today is Day 3 of my Gaiam TV trial. I'm trying to do two workouts a day to get the most of my trial. There are 40+ workouts and I only have 10 days to get through them. Some of them, I've done before, but many I haven't done. My first workout on Day 1 turned out to be a workout I had done before so that was a wasted chance at doing a new workout! Oopsy! This morning I woke up an hour late, so I could only do a 10 minute workout. I wanted to do the 3 mile with the walk belt this morning, but since that didn't workout, I did it tonight! YAY!

The Workout

This was an oldie! It was 13 years after her first video, but it's still really old! We're talking big hair and high waisted pants. The hair wasn't 80s big and we didn't have neon spandex, but it was pretty old. It was filmed in her living room which was rather interesting. There were several walkers, but not all of them stayed for the full three miles. She said that new people should do one mile, intermediate people should do two miles and advanced people should do all three miles. She suggested working your way up. After mile one, some people left and after mile two a couple others left. In mile three they used the walk belt. 

The workout started out with the four basic steps which are walking in place, side steps, knee lifts and front kicks. She did them in a different order than the new videos, but it was the same stuff. She really mixed things up in this one and Mary Kay took over for the middle mile. Mary Kay is brutal! When Leslie leads, she does a lot of walking in between the different moves, but Mary Kay just went from one thing to another to another and another. There was little walking in place during Mary Kay's mile. I don't even remember half of what we did during her mile, but it was intense. My legs are aching! I picked this Gaiam TV trial so I could do Leslie Sansone walking workouts so I could recover from Les Mills Combat. I'm not doing much recovery though!

There was a lot of stuff beyond the basic four steps. There was walking forward and backward, kick backs, knee lifts going forward, grapevines, grapevines with tap outs on the ends, going forward and back with knee lifts, walking with our feet shoulder width apart, double side steps, tap outs, tap outs that turned into lunges and I can't remember what else. It was intense! 

In the third mile we got the walk belt. The belts they used had the bands on the sides instead of the back, but it worked just the same. She went crazy with the belt. There was a lot of stuff up over the head and out in front. There was stuff out to the side. There was opening and closing the arms with the arms stretched out. I couldn't keep up. My shoulders hurt! I had to skip a few reps here and there. 

Once the third mile was done, we went into a cool down and stretch. We did some mini squats and just the normal stretching stuff. it didn't last too long, but it was long enough to get all stretched out. I'm going to hurt tomorrow! Did I mention that this was intense?

Okay, so the workout itself was intense and I liked it, but the video had some issues. The screen got fuzzy in parts and their heads looked like blobs. It also skipped in a few spots. I'm going to try playing it again another day and see if it's still glitchy. This is my sixth workout and my second with video or sound issues. It's a free trial so I'm not complaining, and even at $10 a month, I think I can live with the glithcy as long as it doesn't happen with a high percentage of workouts. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

My Bluetooth connection died during the workout so I don't have the workout tab, but I burned somewhere around 550 calories if I can believe the workout arc. I really like how these have a nice arc to them. I didn't have that stupid big dip like I usually do. I'm surprised that I didn't get higher than 16 calories per minute! I was dying during parts of this! 

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