Friday, February 14, 2014 Box 4

This is my fourth box. This one took way too long to show up because of of the stinking snowstorm. One day, maybe I'll get them at the beginning of the week so I can stretch the box out to last four days. I got this one Wednesday night, so I had two snacks on Thursday and two on Friday. Just a recap. is an online company that ships healthy snacks to your house once a week. They cost $6.00 per box and that includes shipping. You can find out more about them by visiting their website. THey are invitation only though, but you can use my invite code if you need one. It's JAIMIE49P.

Here is the environmentally friendly packaging.

This is the inside of the box. The graphic on the top lid changes. I'm not sure how many there are yet. 

Here is the Tropical Daiquir. It's made up of green mango slices, lime raisins and dried pineapple. This is SUPER SWEET. It was yummy, but with 23.3 grams of sugar, it might just be a bit too sweet for me to get this again. It was a good snack size, and I think it would be really nice in a homemade granola bar. It's just a bit too spendy for me to put it something like that. I will probably Trash this not because I don't like it though, but because it gave me a sugar high and I'm trying to avoid those. 

The Summer Berry Flapjack was very good! It has a bit of a buttery flavor on the outside. It's made up of rustic rolled outs and berry infused cranberries. I think it's funny that a berry is being infused with another berry, but whatever. It was yummy! I would trash everything else on the list just to get four of these in one box. The texture was great and so was the flavor. It has more sugar than I would want it such a small snack, but it has oats to help offset the sugar rush. 

Seedsational is made up of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds with soy sauce. The flavor was good on these. I'm not a big seed fan, but I did like these. It would have been better with more pumpkin seeds since there were a ton of sunflower seeds. There is pretty much no sugar in this, but it is a bit high in calories for a snack. This is another thing that would be great in some sort of homemade healthy recipe, but I can buy sunflower seeds for a lot less if I'm going to use them as an ingredient. I'm going to Trash this, but not because of the flavor. Seeds are just not a convenient snack to eat, and this little packet is too spendy to just dump into something else. 

The Herby Bread Basket was made up of garlic crostini, mini basil breadsticks and oregano rice crackers. This was super yummy. I loved the herb combination. However, I don't really consider these items a snack. I think they would be great on a salad. Although, I don't actually like salad. If this came in a multi serving box, I would probably buy a box, but I'm going to Trash it just because it's not really snack material in my mind. 

Here is the nutritional content insert that came in the box.

The nutritional insert also had a fun little quiz in it. I really like these boxes and I'm enjoying trying all of the snacks. Although, I'm not very adventurous, so I have Trashed some stuff before even trying it. I don't like spicy and I don't like coconut, so anything with either of those went into the Trash pile at the start. I also trashed all of the dippers because I don't like dipping anything in anything else. 

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