Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Firm Off Weight Walk with Leslie Sansone

Today, I decided that I needed to do this walk even though it sounded like it was going to have some strength training segments. I was still a little sore from the squats and lunges on Monday, but it wasn't too bad. They say not to do the same body part two days in a row, and I didn't, so I figured I would be safe. 

The Netflix jacket said that the workout was 45 minutes long. I procrastinated a little bit this morning and got the DVD in with about 2 minutes to spare. Once my 45 minutes was done, I was going to run to the shower and get ready for work. The jacket lied! It only mentioned segments 1 and 2. It failed to mention segment 3. The workout was a full hour just like the run time at the bottom of the blurb says. I had just assumed that the extra time was going to be extras like an interview with her or something. The run time of the DVD is always longer than the workout so the 15 minutes wasn't something that I thought about. That issue is with Netflix and not with the DVD, so I won't harp on that too much.

Okay, so the DVD is called Firm Off Weight Walk. One would assume from that title that there would be walking involved. NOPE! No walking! None! Nada! Zilch! Zip! NONE! Did I mention that the title was called Firm off Weight WALK? Can you tell how disgruntled I am yet? So the workout itself wasn't bad, but I was expecting intervals like the other firm walks. 

This workout was probably filmed in the late 80s or early 90s. We've still got the bright colored spandex, but we don't have the big hair. Weights are used in this workout. I still don't have dumbbells, so I used  my 2 pound weighted balls. They worked well for everything except the bicep curls. I need more than 2 pounds for bicep curls. I barely felt anything. 

Okay, I'm jumping ahead. So the first segment is all about the legs. You start off with the typical 80s leg lifts. You lay on your side either flat or with your head propped up on your hand. I picked to be flat since it was not comfortable for me to prop my head up with my hand. You go through what felt like a bazillion leg lefts with a straight let. This was followed by pulses at the top. Once you go througha a bazillion of those, you bend your knee and do some more leg lifts. You tilt back and then you do leg lifts with the lower leg to work the inner thigh. More pulses follow that. You repeat the leg lifts on the same leg at some point too, that could have been prior to the inner thigh deal. Then you switch legs and do it all over again! Woot Woot! After the second leg, you go onto your knees and elbows. You raise your bent leg up for some more leg lifts! You do pulses with these too. There was a fun little move where you stretch you leg out straight behind you and then lift it before you lower it back down and then pull it back in. Good times. The segment lasted about 20 minutes. I can't remember everything that happened, but it was all your standard 80s leg stuff. She was by herself for this segment. 

You sit up for the second segment. It consists of some military presses, some lateral raises, bicep curls and tricep kickbacks. You go through the whole series twice. It's pretty standard stuff. There's not much to complain about. I needed a heavier weight for the bicep curls, but the 2 pound balls was just perfect for the shoulder and tricep stuff because I have painfully week shoulders and triceps. Oh wait! I just remembered that this section actually started off with pus ups! I hate push ups! I think I blocked them from my memory. Anyway, other than the push ups, I really liked this section. It lasted about 20 minutes, and once it was done, I thought I was done. Oh I was wrong! 

The third section was legs again and abs. I was pretty frazzled by this point, so the whole segment isn't really coming into focus in my mind right now. I knew I needed to be in the shower and I knew I had to finish this DVD before I could get there. There were lunges and squats, but now I'm questioning when they happened. The squats were easy enough, but the lunges were the stepping forward kind. I had just mastered the stationary lunges and now she brings me to the moving ones. I gave it my all though and fumbled through it. I didn't use the weights for the lunges. The ab stuff was a crazy long series of crunches with your feet on the ground, crunches with your feet off the ground, oblique crunches with one foot up on the opposite knee and you pick up the opposite shoulder towards the raised knee. How many crunches can one person do! There were also crunches for the lower abs where you pick your feet up and put your knees to your chest. The crunches just kept coming, and I just kept thinking......this is called Firm Off Weight Walk. When do we walk and when do we get in the shower because the jacket said a 45 minute workout! 

Oddly enough, I got into the shower 10 minutes late and made it to work two minutes early. I have no idea how I pulled that off, but thanks to my hubby, I didn't have to deal with breakfast. He made me a yummy smoothie that I could drink during the drive. Woot Woot!

Sooooo, my BodyMedia device did not register any of this as moderate activity. I was pretty bummed about that, but it was to be expected. Oh well, I got over it. You can see the screen shots below.The really short little blips to the left around 4:30 AM are the workout. As you can see, they were significantly shorter than anything else that I did today. I'm pretty bummed that I did an hour long workout, but still didn't get my 10,000 steps for the day. Oh well, maybe tomorrow my legs will be super sore and at least I will feel like I helped build muscle that will burn more calories. 


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