Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Leslie Sansone Deluxe Walk 2 mile

Yesterday, I did another Leslie Sansone 2 mile workout. I think it was just called Two Mile Walk with Leslie Sansone. it was part of a Deluxe Special Edition where they took a couple of older workouts and re-released them into this new spiffy Deluxe Walk Special Edition. I got the DVD from Netflix. The jacket is above and the screen shot of my TV is below. Those are the two workouts that it had on it. I did the 4 mile on Monday. 

The DVD lets you pick which workout you want to do. Once you've selected, it then gives you the option to play the whole workout or just do segments of it. I selected to do the entire workout. Turns out, that was a bit of a mistake. I procrastinated once again. I know that sounds shocking, but it's quite true. I pushed it until the last minute. The DVD had this infomercial at the beginning of it. It was only a couple minutes, but when you're short on time, a couple minutes can mean being late or being on time. Ugh! After the infomercial is over, Leslie introduces the walkers one by one and mentions how much weight they lost. One person lost 100 pounds. The rest of them lost 40 or less. It was nice to know that the people in the DVD had been using the program and it had worked for them, but again, I was short on time.

This DVD shows a slightly chubby Leslie Sansone. She's actually wearing a little skort type deal too. I think to hide her belly. Seeing a slightly chubby Leslie Sansone was oddly enough more inspiring than seeing the person who had lost 100 pounds on this. Just knowing that at some point in her life she had gained weight, made me like her more as an instructor. To know that she wasn't always the perfect skinny person that we see today. After I got over my shock of seeing chubby Leslie, I thought to myself, oh wow this must have been after one of the kids. The screen then changes to pregnant Leslie and she talks about how she had a baby 7 weeks ago. It didn't matter though. I don't care why she had gained weight. The only important thing was that she had actually gained weight and then lost it. Okay, on with the workout.

This looks like the 80s is finally over. We did have some spandex, but it was getting a little loser and it wasn't brightly colored. I didn't see any big hair at all. 

There wasn't much of a warm up and she didn't go over the four basic steps. She didn't even talk about the four basic steps. She did start out by marching in place. I can't really remember all of the gory details of this workout because it was pretty much all over the place. The workout kept my heart rate up and I was out of breath and sweating the entire time, but I also got lost a bit. This was still WalkAerobics, but it was heavier on the Aerobics than it was on the walk.

Some of the moves that did not go well for me included.....the dreaded grapevine, but this isn't your grapevine of today. No, this is the grapevine of yesteryear. The grapevine of old workout videos that always comes with a little something extra. You start off with just a grapevine, but then we have to make our arms do circles which is okay, except then once we're all good and cozy with having all four limbs moving at once and in different directions, then we add something to the grapevine like knee lifts and taps when you're on the edges. I kept doing the wrong thing. If we were tapping, I was knee lifting. Fun fun. There were a few sections where we would do knee lifts for four counts going forward and then kick backs for four going backwards. I did okay with those unless our arms had to move too. There were also some really fun moves where your arms go up straight over your head and then you do knee lifts or kick backs while angling your toe up and your arm down so your hand touches your toes. I was okay with those as long as we did all knee lifts or all kick backs, but she had us do four of each and I kept missing the change over or I'd change at the wrong time. There were several things on here where we would do four of something and then switch to something else. Not a fan of that. Oh, there was also a part where you walked up two and back two, but then you walked into the right corner two and back two, then the left corner up two and back two and then back to center. That one wasn't back, but there was one where you walked up two kicked into the corner, then turned so you were facing away from the TV and walked two then kicked into another corner then turned again to face the TV and walked forward again. 

Overall, this was not my favorite DVD. It was effective. I will admit that. It got my heard rate up and kept me out of breath. I got 9 minutes of vigorous activity. I could have had more, but my arms stopped moving a few times when I was trying to figure out what to do with my feet. If I did this one a couple more times, I might be able to get the hang of it, but it just didn't seem like something I really wanted to do again. She has so many DVDs that are easier for me to follow. I would highly suggest this workout though just to see Leslie Sansone at her post baby weight. I'm not saying this to make fun of her. Seven weeks after having a baby, she's filming a workout DVD and looks pretty damn good. If anyone saw her who didn't know her as a super skinny person, they wouldn't even think she was chubby in the picture. We all know how skinny she is though, so we know that it's not her normal size. 

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots. The workout is the tall blue blob on the left.  

The picture came out terrible because it was a small spot on my TV and I took a pic with my camera and then cropped out the extra stuff, but you can see the skort and the fact that she's not uber skinny like she normally is in the workouts. This is not me making fun of her. This is me showing people that the perfect body that we see was not always perfect and she too had weight to lose at one point.

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