Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk 'n Tone Advanced Walk from Exercise TV

Why I picked it

I spent too long this morning writing my review from yesterday's workout and ran out of time for a longer workout. I had little time to pick, so I just put this on. I couldn't find a link on Amazon so I just took a picture of the TV screen after I did the workout. This workout was on Exercise TV, but I don't think you can buy it anywhere now that Exercise TV is gone.


This was another workout with the New Balance Rock & Tone shoes. It's basically a 20 minute infomercial on the shoes. The intermediate workout was the same way. She's gaga over the shoes. I've never worn them so I can't say anything, but one of my co-workers has them, and he likes them. He didn't buy them for the booty boosting aspect, but he swears by them for comfort. 

The Warm up

The warm up was pretty typical. She went through the four basic steps which are walking in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. The warm up lasts about three minutes.

The Workout

This was a pretty short workout. It didn't have a timer on it which made me happy! It was called the Advanced walk, but it wasn't really all that advanced as far as the walking goes. There was some jogging though. She also did some intervals with squats and lunges. I just did squats and lunges on Monday, so my legs are pretty sore from doing an old school Leslie Sansone Walk Aerobics DVD. I was able to do them, but it wasn't pleasant. The walk mainly stuck to the four basic moves except for the jogging portion which included this thing where you shift your weight from one leg to the other in this weird almost boxer like stance. There were double side steps and some arm movements up over the head, out in front and clapping. She did tap outs in this DVD as well. I think we did double knee lifts at one point, but this morning is a bit hazy. The pace picked up a couple of times, but it never got really fast. It was a nice short workout, but afterward, I felt like I hadn't done enough. There were two boosted walking spots and two squat/lunge sections.

The Cool down / Stretch

The cool down didn't last too long. It involved the four basic steps but in tiny, slow movements. There was a heel tap forward in addition to the other stuff. The stretch was pretty standard. Some stretching up over the head and then the standard calf stretch. She didn't talk about miles in this workout. I would think due to the jogging that it would be considered more than a mile, but the rest was pretty slow paced so it seems like it definitely wouldn't be two. 

BodyMedia Link Screen shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots are below. The workout didn't give me nearly as much vigorous activity as I was hoping for, but most workouts with strength training sections don't. I wasn't expecting the lunges and squats. I probably wouldn't have done the workout if I had known about them. My legs were still sore from Monday. The tall skinny blue blip on the left is the workout. The rest is me walking around at work. What am I going to do once the new guy at work is trained enough that I don't have to be in the shop all the time. I might have to give up ice cream! Say it ain't so, Joe! 


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