Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk This Way 2 Mile

What I picked and why

I had absolutely no motivation to exercise this morning. I read my Facebook wall for inspiration. It seemed to work because I got up and did this 2 mile walk. I was looking for a one mile, but this wasn't that much more time than a one mile and it was super slow. It even says "An easy 30 min. Walk at Home for Beginners" right there on the front. I'm not a beginner to Leslie's workouts, but I needed easy. My hamstrings were a little sore still from my Monday workout so I didn't want to do the last workout on my Walk Strong Box Set since it involved the Fit Cuffs and I didn't know what to expect. 


You don't need any equipment for this walk. There were no walk boosters and no boosted walking. 

The Workout

The Warm Up

The workout starts off with a warm up. She talks about how important a warm up is. She then goes through the four basic moves which are walking in place, side steps, kicks and knee lifts. It took about three minutes to go through that. After that, she said that we were building intensity. We did some of the basic moves again and then at the five minute mark, she said that we were sufficiently warmed up.

The workout

Leslie was alone in this workout. I like her better this way. She's much less giggly and strange when she's alone. She still talked a lot, but it's just not as bad when she's alone. However, she does walk forward and backwards while she's supposed to be marching in place. It drives me batty. I don't really notice it when she's got a group around her, but when she's alone she does it constantly. There's no real rhythm to it either so I can't really match her but if she's moving and I'm not, I feel like I'm doing it wrong.

This workout stuck mostly to the basics. There were some arm movements and a couple variations on the four basic steps, but there's nothing crazy and if you don't like the extras, you can just skip them. So the arm movements are pretty much just lifting your hands up over your head and pulling them down, stretching them forward and pulling them back, stretching them out by your sides as you do side steps and bringing them back together for a clap, and touching your knee when you do knee lifts. The extras with the feet include double side steps, walking forward two counts and back two counts, tap outs (moving the right leg out and back and then the left leg out and back), side steps going forward for counts and back four counts, and during the cool down there was one brief period of touching your heel to the floor in front of you. 

There were mile markers for this workout. It showed up in the form of a meter on the right side of the screen probably every quarter mile or so. 

Cool Down and Stretch

The cool down was pretty standard. She announced that the music had slowed down and we were going into the cool down. All of the movements got smaller. The cool down lasted a few minutes and we went into a stretch. There was a lot of deep breathing as our arms went up over our heads. We also stretched our arms out to the sides and then closed them up in front of us to stretch our backs. Then we moved into a calf stretch. It's almost a lunge position, but without the back leg being bent. After doing this on both sides, we had one more deep inhale with the arms up over the head and then we were done!

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots. As promised, this was an easy walk. I only ended up with 1 minute of vigorous activity. It did exactly what I wanted. I got up and burned some extra calories, but I didn't end up exhausted at the end. I feel good! There was a good arc to this workout, but there's a weird spike in the middle of the second mile. That must have been my one minute of vigorous activity. 


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