Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review of Leslie Sansone Walk Diet 1 Mile

What I did and why

Today is Day 4 of my Gaiam TV 10 day free trial. For workout 2 of the day, I picked Leslie Sansone's Walk Diet 1 mile walk. This morning I did the Walk Diet 2 Mile Walk. I'm not really sure why it's called the Walk Diet. Maybe if I had gotten the DVD, it would have explained it. I know that Leslie likes to talk about how important exercise is and seems to disregard the importance of a good diet, so maybe it's a play on that whole thing. 

The Workout

The workout was filmed in the same place and with almost all of the same people as the 2 Mile Walk hat I did this morning. The setting is rather drab and the editing was rather blah. There were times when the camera would pass behind this thing and you couldn't see any of the walkers. I'm not sure how to describe the thing, but it was some sort of decoration on the set. The walkers looked a little cheerier in this one. There was a man in this one and he seemed a bit lively. Most of the other walkers just did the moves in a very rigid manner, but he seemed to be getting his groove on a little bit. 

The workout started with the four basic moves which are walking in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. We started with a brief warmup and then the pace picked up a little. She had us sit down into the side steps and move our feet further while doing them. We also did a couple arm moves. We raised our arms up over our head and lowered them down. I think we did that move twice. The first time was slow and the second time was faster. We also did muscle man arms and brought our elbows in to meet each other. Well, my elbows didn't quite meet, but their's did. Moving forward for two counts and backwards for two counts was the only thing we did beyond the four basic moves. Oh and we walked with our feet shoulder width apart at one point. We didn't do any kicks backs or double side steps. 

Overall, this workout was rather slow, but it was only a one mile walk so I wasn't expecting much. I probably wouldn't do it again since there are ways to get a faster paced mile. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my screen shots. Not much to say. It's about what I expected. I'm actually surprised about the 1 minute of vigorous activity. I feel like I barely even broke a sweat. I was breathing heavy throughout the workout, but it didn't feel vigorous to me. 

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